WinWGet Docs
Installation using Installer:
Download the install package file, start it and follow the instructions. The
installer will set the path to wget.exe for you...
Installation using zip package:
Download the WinwGet zipped package and extract in a folder.
Download the wget windows binary and extract into folder. It can be in the same folder as WinWGet but that is not necessary.
Start WinWGet and in "Tools", "Options" select the path to wget.exe and Default download folder...
That's about it.
Command line parameter (new):
From version 0.20b you can invoke WinWGet with one command line parameter - URL. WinWGet will pop-up with add job dialog. This feature is useful primarily for Mozilla "Download with" integration. The settings are:
Identification: WinWGet
Label: WinWGet
Command: C:\Program Files\WinWGet\WinWGet.exe
Arguments: [URL]
The Interface:
You can switch between two different interfaces -'JobDetails' and 'JobList'
views. There is a small blue arrow like button that will switch between them.
Use the one you like. With the 'JobList' you can sort by ID, Job Name or Job
Status. The 'JobDetails' (the default) is showing more information, though..
Add New Job:
Go to "Jobs", "Add New Job", enter the name of the job
and the address - these two fields are mandatory. Select all the parameters
you want - as' resume' for downloads, 'referrer', 'user-agent' and etc.. and
click OK to add the new job.
Start job(s):
Select the job(s) you want to start and go to "Run", "Run Job".
Clone, Edit and Reset Job(s):
If you want to use the same wget parameters for new job, select a job with
parameters you would like to use and right-click on in. Select "Clone"
to clone the job. Use the right-click menu to "Edit" and to "Reset"
job(s) if you need to re-run already finished job again.
Export the Job List:
You can export the current job list into HTML page - go to "File",
"Export Jobs" to it.
WinWGet will monitor the clipboard for URLs by default. To disable it uncheck
"Tools", "Monitor Clipboard".
wget Command Line:
If you need the exact wget command line - right-click on the right pane against
"Command Line" and select "Copy". This will copy the command
line into the clipboard.
Extra Parameters
To add missing (or new) wget parameters - do it by entering them in "Add/Edit/Clone"
Job Dialog. In "Logging and Input" tab there is "Additional
Params" text box - enter all extra parameters in there.
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